Our Love
Come, and you will leave in awe at the breathtaking, velvety way a butterfly looks, the changes in color that take place when the sun is shining on its delicate wings in such a manner that makes them radiate exquisiteness and grace. We dare you to accurately describe such a wonderful experience!
Visit our 33 seasonal and permanent inhabitants, and you will understand why our magical garden is truly an enchanting mix of magnificence, dreaminess and peace that is brought alive by the amazing environment which is enhanced by colors that only Great Mother Nature herself can create. In our sanctuary colors are never still, and just like our butterflies, plants and flowers are always renewing themselves. Not to mention the opportunity of releasing newly born butterflies and granting them first flight of their life!
Agraulis Vanillae
Speyeria del Golfo Mariposa Pasionaria
Anartia Fatima
Pavo Real con Bandas Mariposa Pavorreal
Anartia Jatrophae
Pavo Real Blanco Mariposa Pavorreal Blanca
Archaeoprepona Demophon
Mariposa Hojarasca de una Mancha
Ascia Monuste
Gran Mariposa Blanca del Sur
Battus Polydamas
Polydamas Swallowtail Mariposa Cola de Golondrina de Borde Dorado
Chlosyne Lacinia
Parche Bordeado Mariposa de Parche Bordeado
Colobura Dirce
Dirce Beauty Mariposa Laberinto
Danaus Eresimus
Soldado / Reina Tropical Mariposa Soldado
Danus Gilippus
Reina Mariposa Mariposa Reina
Dione Juno
Dione Juno / Juno Silverspot Mariposa Pasionaria de Alas Largas
Dryas Lulia
Julia Butterfly Mariposa Flama
Eutopieta Claudia
Speyeria Abigarrada Mariposa Organillo Oscura
Hamadryas Amphinome
Galleta Roja Mariposa Tronadora Roja
Hamadryas Februa
Galleta Gris Mariposa Tronadora Gris
Hamadryas Guatemalena
Galleta Guatemalteca Mariposa Tronadora de Guatemala
Heliconius Charithonia
Zebra Longwing Mariposa Cebra de Alas Largas
Heliconuis Erato
Cartero Rojo Mariposa de Bandas Carmesí
Historis Acheronta
Cecropian de Cola Mariposa Lumbrera Coluda
Kricogonia Lyside
Lyside Sulphur Mariposa Azufre Guacayana
Marpesia Petreus
Ruddy Daggerwing Mariposa Alas de Daga Naranja
Microtia Elva
Elfo Mariposa Mariposa Duende
Morpho Polyphemus
Morpho Blanco Morfo Blanca Alas de Ángel
Opsiphanes Tamarindi
Heliconia Owlet Mochuelo Helicona
Papilio Rumiko
Golondrina Gigante Occidental Mariposa Cometa Golondrina Gigante
Parides Photinus
Red – Spotted Cattleheart Mariposa Corazón de Manchas Rojas
Phoebis Philea
Orange – Barred Sulphur Azufre de Bandas Naranja
Phoebis Sennae
Cloudless Sulphur Mariposa Azufre sin Nubes
Protographium Epidaus
Mexican Kite Swallowtail Cometa Golondrina Mexicana
Protographium Philolaus
Dark Zebra Swallowtail Cometa Golondrina Negra
Siderone Galanthis
Scarlet Leafwing Mariposa Hojarasca Escarlata
Siproeta Stelenes
Malachite Butterfly Mariposa Malaquita
Smyrna Blomfildia
Blomfild´s Beauty Mariposa Bonita Americana